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Judy Brown


Judy has studied and taught beading, patchwork and quilting in many different countries. "I was born at Tresillian hospital and spent my childhood in Nedlands. I am married with 3 children and 4 grandchildren. For the past 20 years I have lived overseas due to my husband’s employment and my love of craft has helped me find new friends and interests. 1980 to 1990-taught dressmaking, patchwork and quilting at Rockingham TechnicalCollege. 1990 to1992-taught for a PFAFF sewing machine outlet in Sydney. 1992 to 1995-taught dressmaking privately in New Zealand. 1995 to 1996-taught craft for the MANZA ex-pat group in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 1996 to 2002-taught patchwork and quilting for the JANZ ex-pat group in Tokyo,Japan. 2003 to 2007-taught beading for the Australian Association in Hong Kong. 2007 to 2008-taught beading in Bedford, England. We are now settling back in Perth where I am keen to pass on the knowledge I have collected over the years."

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