T4 The Dancing Brush – Watercolour
Level: Intermediate - with Jane Zandi
Course Description
This course is for intermediate watercolour artists to build on previous skills. Emphasis will be on washes, tone, composition, colour, drawing and harmony. We will explore all the amazing techniques that watercolour allows us to use and incorporate into our own styles. Jane will start with a demonstration painting, students will then have a go at that subject receiving support along the way. The class will end with a supportive group evaluation and feedback on their paintings. About the Tutor: Jane Zandi was born in Tasmania and now lives in Perth. She has been painting for over 12 years and the last five years regularly en plein air. This has resulted in a passion for getting the light just right while on site and then taking that lightness into her studio paintings. Regular attendance at watercolour workshops held by local, national and international artists has helped her develop her own personal style. Jane is a member of Perth Plein Air Painters and goes outdoors to paint with them as often as possible. What to Bring: 2 sheets of watercolour paper 300gsm rough (Arches, Fabriano, Saunders or any good quality paper) 1 mechanical pencil 1 kneadable rubber 1 notebook 1 plastic water jar 1 small spray bottle 1 Coreflute or foamcore cut to A3 size 1 roll of masking tape 1 watercolour palette 1 roll of kitchen paper 1 x set of mop brushes (Dainayw mop brushes – set of 4 (online)) 1 x rigger brush 1 x chinese brush Bring a mix of whatever watercolour brushes you have. Art Spectrum Paints or cotmans or any brand you like: 1 tube Cobalt Blue 1 tube Raw Sienna 1 tube Alizarin Crimson 1 tube Burnt siennna 1 tube Lemon Yellow 1 tube Cadmium Red 1 tube Ultramarine Or just bring whatever you have. Please note: No class 28 Oct 2024
Terms and Conditions
A 20% administration fee applies to cancellations made before the beginning of the term. No refund will be given once the term has started. Participants in the term courses must be 18+ unless attending the After School or School Holiday workshops. Classes are not held on public holidays. Course start and finishing dates may vary due to public holidays and the availability of the course tutor. A full refund will only be given if a course is cancelled by the Tresillian Arts Centre. A refund will only be given if you have a medical certificate for the dates you have missed. No pro-rata payments are available for term courses or if classes are unattended by the student.

Waitlist form
Please complete the waitlist form if your particular course is full.