T3 Travel Sketchbook - Watercolour & Ink
All levels - with Sue Hibbert
Course Description
Travel sketching/journaling is a great way of recording your holiday and everyday surroundings. This class will introduce methods using watercolour, ink, watercolour pencils and graphite. About the tutor: Sue is a Watercolour expert. The Australian Landscape has always been a source of inspiration for my paintings. Having experimented with other mediums I have specialised in watercolour painting and feel challenged by its beautiful effects and possibilities. As well as exhibiting my work I enjoy teaching and sharing my knowledge of the medium. What to bring: PAINTS – Artists quality tubes BEGINNER’S TUBES 1. Ultramarine Blue (series 1) 2. Alizarin Crimson (series 1) 3. Lemon Yellow (series 1) 4. Yellow Ochre (series 1) 5. Burnt Sienna (series 1) 6. Cobalt Blue (series 4) Designers Gouache Permanent White Watercolour Pencils – Sepia, Brown, Ochre, INdigo Artline water resistant pens 0.8 and 0.5 Waterproof Ink - Black or Sepia Graphite/water soluble PAPER – Watercolour Paper sheets A4; Moleskin A5 sketchbook or other for waterclolour, landscape orientation BRUSHES – Soft Watercolour Brushes 1 – Medium Round size 6 or 8 water brush with water reservoir) 1 – Rigger size 2 or 4 PALETTE – With enough place for individual colours and mixing (lid preferred) or compact travel set of watercolours PENCILS – 2B or 3B, soft eraser Collapsible water container. Watercolour pan set OR tubes/palette if you have them Old towel for the art table.
Terms and Conditions
A 20% administration fee applies to cancellations made before the beginning of the term. No refund will be given once the term has started. Participants in the term courses must be 18+ unless attending the After School or School Holiday workshops. Classes are not held on public holidays. Course start and finishing dates may vary due to public holidays and the availability of the course tutor. A full refund will only be given if a course is cancelled by the Tresillian Arts Centre. A refund will only be given if you have a medical certificate for the dates you have missed. No pro-rata payments are available for term courses or if classes are unattended by the student.

Waitlist form
Please complete the waitlist form if your particular course is full.